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Santé Yoga

An English girl on spiritual journey to open a yoga retreat in France

"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017

Christmas Day at Garin Harel 2017
Christmas Day at Garin Harel 2017
Christmas Day at Garin Harel 2017
Christmas Day at Garin Harel 2017

Christmas Day at Garin Harel 2017

So if anyone has been following my journey you may notice an old face who has been popping up in my photos. Over 3 years ago I separated from Stephen and we begun a solo journey of self discovery. This post isn't to delve into that story but to share our experience together in Israel. I decided to ask Stephen to join me on a volunteer programme at Garin Harel in Israel. We'd always had a good connection over the years but this past year I felt a pull towards him. We'd both found love in exploring our spiritually and something felt right about joining our paths together to support a spiritual community of 70 adults and 30 children in the dessert close to Gaza Strip. I was drawn to support their development because of their visions for the future of a peaceful community. I read a great book called 'Extreme Rambling: Walking Israel's Separation Barrier. For Fun" By Mark Thomas, it made me realise how little I knew about Israel but also how much more I wanted to learn. There is a long and in depth history to how the Jewish people lost the land, gained the land etc etc I could go on to explain this but I'd probably get mixed up along the way and in my attempt  I may potentially rewrite history and open myself up to a world of drama. On 14 May 1948, the day before the expiration of the British Mandate, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, declared "the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel, to be known as the State of Israel. The green border legally separates the land but the West Bank barrier (the wall) is almost double the length at around 708km long, this is where the problems arise. To look at both sides, the wall is seen to act as security to protect its people against the risk of terrorist attacks but on the other hand the wall is seen as a way for the Israelis to gain more land. In Israel it is compulsory to give military service of 3 years for men and 2 for women, although under certain circumstances this can be deterred. It's bizarre to see soldiers who look so young walking around with weapons, you can't go far without being in the presence of them. Once you get over this you start to feel the sense that you are completely safe. We had arrived at a time following Trump's decision to move the US Embacy to Jerusalem so I was expecting to see a bit of tension but there was nothing. When you go with the ideas which have been fed to you by the media you see things differently from what they truly are, you look for things which confirm what you have been told. The best trick is to smile and go in without any prejudgements. The people we have met over our trip were very welcoming and helpful and the overall vibe was not at all threatening.

We spent the first night in a quirky little hostel called 'The milk and honey hostel' in Tel Aviv.  It had everything you'd need for a short stay. Refreshed and rejuvenated we headed to Garin Harel the next day. We arrived that afternoon following a super easy 90 min bus trip ( which had the added luxury of wifi !) This community started as a vision from ten people and since then they have put their thoughts into action to create a beautiful community. They were originally located in the heart of the desert – in the municipal boarders of regional council Ramat Negev but 3 years ago they were evacuated by the government as it was seen as an illegal settlement. They were moved to their current temporary location whilst they were waiting on clearance to move to another area in the desert. It was like a dream. The community was incredibly welcoming with their hearts bursting. You would not believe a group of people could genuinly love as hard as these guys do. Every human is treated with love and respect and they practice to move through life with mindfulness. For the duration we were to be part of a programme to broaden our awareness and open our hearts. Stephen and I welcomed the sun every morning at 6am with sun salutations and meditation, then after a chai we'd all head over for a movement and philosophy class then onto the work. The work allowed us to put our teachings into action to support the running of the community. In the evening we'd finish with another class. The first week was based around giving and receiving which was filled with concepts I'd never really considered. I felt my heart was open before I came here but I realised I had some real work to do. I had noticed many times I was becoming drained around certain people, one class used the analogy of the vase. If the vase is broken the water you pour into it will surely leak out. I see that for each relationship we have a joint vase. Although I feel I have done a lot of self healing over the past few years I was surprised when old emotions and attitudes arose with Stephen. I thought to myself- maybe all this work I've done on myself was not beneficial after all! Then I realised that both of our vases were broken and we needed to fix them within our own relationship. We also needed to see what the other person wanted to receive. For instance you can't pour your energy into someone if it's not in the way they want it, you need to take responsibility, understand the other person see their needs and then start to see the difference. You can give,give,give but if they don't want it they will start to reject it, leading to the opposite affect that you wanted. Stephen and I spent hours walking laps of the settlement to break down thought patterns and try to see what it was we wanted from our relationship. Our current feelings towards each other were of mutual love and friendship, in an ideal romantic world we'd live happily ever after in a sexual and passionate relationship but that was neither of our needs. We are best friends who have so much in common, I feel I can tell him anything and express myself openly without judgement. In all the years I've been travelling I couldn't imagine being able to do it for long stints of time with another person but having him there I realised that I've missed the companionship of another human to experience things with.

The volunteer house was a home of creativity, love and laughter. We were privileged to meet so many extraordinary people with inspiring stories. We sang, we shared stories, we cried, we ate so much humus, we drank so much tea, we created, we touched, we hugged, we danced - we were able to be just as we wanted to be. On Christmas Day the community supported celebrations, where we ate delicious food, sang Christmas songs and danced around the Christmas tree in true Danish Tradition. It was magically, this is what Christmas should be about, sharing your life with people who feed your soul- but don't get me wrong I really missed my family and friends. Another memorable time for me was holding a Yoni Shakti Yoga Circle, it was important for me to share the knowledge and techniques I'd learnt on my womb yoga course and from the incredible book 'Wild Power' by Alexandra Pope. These teachings allowed me  to embrace my feminine energy and understand how to empower women to tune into their powers. We discussed the seasons of the menstrual cycle, our first bleed experience, our concerns about contraception and found the courage to talk about our Yoni with pride! We created a beautiful offering circle  and opened our hearts over freshly prepared lavender tea and vegan chocolate cake.

I have taken so much away from the strength and love of these people. We were all different characters with a joint passion to create beautiful connections with other humans and the universe! ( super hippy 😂) These are the moments that make lasting changes in the way I experience life. It wasn't easy and I was faced with many things which were reflected back to me by the people I was surrounded by. But It also made me see how far I'd come. With each person I spend these moments with I took something valuable away. Sometimes people just call in for a short time or they stay with you for long periods, either way they  make up a part of your story.

After 2 weeks with the community we headed on our way. Next stop Jerusalem ! I had my first experience of hitch hiking and I found myself snuggling up to a beautiful fury dog named sky...... best date ever ! We stayed for 5 nights in the 'Hebron hostel' which was situated within the old city walls. For only £7.50 per night with free evening meals and the friendliest staff we felt completely grateful to have come across this place. The old city is split into 4 quarters, the Armenian, the Muslim, the Christian and the Jewish quarters. The cobbled streets were filled with life, colour, tea, sahlab and falafels ! My favourite things !! We spent a lot of time exploring the old city, there is so much to experience and you can feel the power of the different faiths rush through your body. We ventured out to Bethlehem one day and although the city its self was not as you would imagine being it the birth place of Jesus, it was defiantly worth a visit. The Palestinian people were very accommodating, I wasn't expecting to feel so safe because of all the stories I'd heard before arriving. It really taught me not listen to all that you read. The most memorable part was on the 5 mile walk home, we came face to face with the wall. It was layered with the brutal reality of the pain, suffering and strength of the Palestinians. Please see the pictures for yourself, after all they speak the reality of these people. Banksey the famous anonymous graffiti artist has visited here on numerous occasions and his latest piece was from 3 months ago which shows to cherubs breaking through the wall. The border crossing came with no resistance and we headed on our way back to Jerusalem by foot.

On our final day we headed to Yad Yesham a holocaust museum situated 5 miles from the old city. I cant explain the heaviness in my heart walking through the memories of this sickening and heart breaking time. The videos, picture, words and remains told the stories of the pain and suffering millions of people had to experiences. My head pounded as the information filtered into me. I heard a story from a young girl who was on a guided tour, saying how her grand father came home to find his parents had been murderer so he took himself and ten others into the forest to find the Baliski family camp which consisted of 1200 Jews who worked to rescue people from prisons and camps. Her grandad was captured and sent to a death camp but escaped with 3 others. It's crazy to consider that for each one of us if our blood line had had been stopped we wouldn't be here today.

Our last two nights were spent at 'The Florentine Hostel' in Tel Aviv, it's a energetic and modern place with a hipster vibe. You are welcomed into the family straight away and we had the hostel joining into 'la la la la long' in no time, there was even a guy from India free styling it on his violin! Tel Aviv coast is beautiful, with golden sands and committed surfers catching the waves ! Here I got my tattoo at 'best tattoo studio' at £50 for a ten minute tattoo it was pretty steep but it was my souvenir. It was hard to choose what would be my memory but I decided to go for a cup of tea ..... let me explain.... it was a running joke at Garin Harel as I was literally always making a chai ! Also with the message ''make tea not war' fitted without taking any sides on the situation. As an English person one of the best teachings to know is that most things can be fixed over a brew made with love and a open heart.

One beautiful moment will stay deeply in my heart, I walked alone into the sea who's waves were moving rhythmically through my body. I faced the setting sun and admired the sky alluminate with  reds, oranges and purples. The clouds reflected its beauty and I felt complete connected and totally absorb as the earth revolved to say goodnight the the flames. At that moment I realised all which I worried or thought about were wasting my short life. The sun doesn't care, it didn't make any rules about how life should be. What if we can just enjoy it ? What if our path is set and all the time we spend thinking is all for nothing ? What about if in the silence comes the most profound insights? Things change that is all I am really sure about. You can plan, imagine certain scenarios but in the end all that matters is that you are present. When you are present you appreciate and you connect, from this connection comes understanding, compassion and love. Each morning I want to remember a quote from Dalia Lama - to make this day meaningful. To do this we need to step away from the idea of self being more important that's the whole. After saying our farewells to the sun we offered our appreciation to the day with a freestyle yoga flow and meditation. The scene couldn't have been more perfect, I realised how much I needed to be in nature away from the hustle of cities.

So to summaries this trip has brought old scars to the surface, I actually should say wounds because I had not even attempted to really heal the root of my suffering merely create distractions. I see Stephen as myself and I'm so grateful for all his experiences which have awakened him to detach from old belief and habitual patterns. To sit and talk about our relationships and life experiences over the past three years has healed parts of me which I didn't know were underlyin prpblems.. He  reflects my shadows and my light without expectations or judgement. I'm so happy to have my best friend back in my life and I'm excited to share more memories together.

In regards to my opinions on the Israeli- Palestine situation I've realised that I cannot pass judgement on either side. Just like every everything in life, each one of the humans involved has a individual story which is true to themselves. I can say people act in ways to protect themselves and their loved ones when filled with fear, but this is natural. Who am I to judge ? I haven't lost people to war. That isn't my story to tell. All I can share is my love for the people. Before anyone has any opinion they need to experience it for themselves, get stuck in with the locals, ask questions, spend time with the people involved. The media feeds us with what is their truth, so if you want to live like this them that is fine, but this is one tiny part to an extremely bigger story. A story which involves history, faith and suffering, it takes more than printed words to even begin to understand the situation. Let us find peace and compassion in our hearts to remove any prejudgements towards our fellow humans.

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"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
"Make Tea Not War" Isreal 2017
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Glad to see you and Stephen talking again x inspiring read. Love you x