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Santé Yoga

An English girl on spiritual journey to open a yoga retreat in France

Modern day love

Modern day love

What happens when a relationship reveals its true colours? Are we blinded by hormones and lust that we miss the bigger picture? Do we rush into things to quickly with too many expectations? I think I'm pretty laid back when it comes to relationships. I do not need for much, I don't ask for much, I don't question their whereabouts. I do care but i don't think you should force someone to be with you. They should want to be. I believe that we all have a soul mate maybe there is a few in this world some romantic some unromantic but they are out there. They compliment you and give you the strength to follow your passion. They are a reflection of you, which can make the relationship intense but with understanding you can use this to strengthen and understand each other better. We can feel we should try and be with someone because you don't want to fail at something. You had a fire at the beginning so you fight so hard to rekindle it to ensure you are not a failure. The truth is your not. Neither of your personality traits are wrong your just not right for each other. This is absolutely fine and shouldn't be taken personally. I would never want or ask anyone to change to try and suit my interests, but instead I walk away when I have seen enough to know we are not compatible. Is this wrong? Should you give them a heads up so they can choose to change or will they turn it around on you one day ? I think something should be discussed like a action you didn't like or agree with which affected you personally. But if it's their life choices or personal opinion on the world or life it's up to them decide. What you first thought was cute might be completely not cute after a few months. Their erratic mind, outgoing personality, simple jokes, confidence ect ect might irritate you towards the end because it doesn't work with your personality. This is all fine, someone will love this about them but maybe it's not you . How much time do we waste on these relationships? When do you know you're in love ? I have loved a lot of people but being in love is different. I can love and respect someone's soul, yet that beauty that you see is not something which feeds your soul. That passion is when I believe you are in love. The love which makes you sick to imagine your life without them in it. The love which makes you want to be a better person and gives you the energy to get through the darkest of days. The love which knows you so well that when you are not being yourself, they won't judge you but accept the fact that humans have these days and help you through them. A love so strong you wouldn't let them walk away without a fight because nothing else mattered. Do I believe this exists ? Yes I do and one day it will find me. So why is it so hard for the modern day woman to find true love ? I once watched a psycologist discuss the struggle men have now days to live up to genetic expectations. A man would hunt, protect and provide for the family. He would be respected and seen to be wise about the world. Now we fend for ourselves, we can earn as much or more than our men. We offer to pay half of the meal, we carry our own bags, we work and look after our family, we are confident and out spoken. Times have changed and I'm all for equal rights and women discovering the world independently but where does this leave the guy? We are now looking for a companion to explore the world with. To have fun with and to still support us even if we refuse it. Yea we can stand on our own two feet but sometimes we want to know there is someone to catch us when we fall. Women's emotions change like the moon and this is a beautiful thing and this is where the stability of a man can come into play. Why are we always searching subconsciously for a partner ? Can't we be happy alone ? It's hard because it's in our genes to reproduce but I think when you can be happy in yourself you will attract the right person. I have dated many types of men and all have taught me something. I respect and thank them all and each time I've realised what I don't need in my life. For now I'm going to stop looking and focus on my family, friends and spiritual growth. When the time is right the time is right, I trust the universe will give me everything I need at the right time. Searching dating sites is not for me at this point. For some it is and when I was at that stage it was perfect for me to build confidence and get to know myself better. Everything comes at the right time and no answer is right you can only learn by any given outcome because every situation is different.

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