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Santé Yoga

An English girl on spiritual journey to open a yoga retreat in France

Autumn Equinox | Sun Enters Libra

Autumn Equinox | Sun Enters Libra

Welcome beautiful souls,

At this point the length of day and night are equal. It is when the Autumn has a promise of winter. Here we can reflect, transform, release and move forward. The world around us gives us clues that a new season is coming, with each leaf that changes colour and ever ripened berry we are reminded that we need to gather all need for the inward turning of energy. Just as the sap in the trees and plants move downward to take rest and rejuvenate for spring, we too need to do the same. Now is the time to accept all that is in our life to find balance. To see that we are part of the whole and nothing is separate. The darkness is not something to fear but to become grateful for, we have the opportunity to celebrate our strengths and fierce nature which we can use make positive movement. This is the perfect time to embrace the warmth of the earths womb to find protection and trust  to tap into your inner wisdom. What is this inner wisdom? It is the light that can see through the delusion of the material world, it’s the clarity we find when we sit with emotions, instead of blocking them we let them pass through and observe the energy but do not cling to it. No emotion or thought is bad, it is a protection mechanism. You can accept they will always arise but you can choose to stay in this moment and not entertain what arises.

When we sit and appreciate all which is offered to us to live this day, we can start to find ways to give back. How can we protect our home (Earth)? How can we prevent harm? Open your heart and let compassion for our home grow. We can create our own world and forget about the greater picture.  What about our future family (Which is everyone) what will they be faced with? What could we have done to help them?

Celebrate the change of darkness from light. Give thanks and blessings for all that has been gifted to us to help us grow. Take rest and look inwards to connect to your true spirit and dream a new dream. Nothing is meant to stay the same, change is constant and the only thing that is true. Holding on to tight to an idea, person or thing will only bring suffering. Instead look outside and see it as part of the cycle of life, we are just the same as the plant, the animal, the seasons but we have a mind which can be used to help us grow or keep us locked within our self created walls.


Harvest Festival | Welcome friends and family to celebrate and share

Tree Hugging | Find a tree  and place your back on it, connect to its inner energy. Feel it connecting deep into your truth. Allow yourself time to reflect, accept your external energy to quieten as your inner energy is lifted to connect on a spiritual level.

Plant native tree seeds | They may begin to germinate in the spring or they may take 2 years.

Garden Party | Take the time to clean up your garden, gather the ripen fruits, store the seeds and give thanks to the free medicine which has been created. Plant mixed bulbs in pots next to the entrance of your home to see them welcome you into spring.

Jamming | I’m not talking about bringing out your instruments – although they are most welcomed. I’m talking about making some delicious Jam, Chutney and Wine! Get your loved one’s round, create some positive energy as you become creative in the kitchen. The positive vibes you radiate now are so important as this is the energy you will be opening.

Bring the elements inside | Decorate your space with the colours and natural materials of autumn.

Light up | Take this time to declutter and create space and light in preparation for the darker months. Light sage to cleanse the area and create a shine of cherished items which help you to stay focused on your spiritual path.

Crystals | Cleanse your crystals in running water for 10 minutes and standing them in the light of the full moon to energise.

Balance | Use pranayama practices such as Anulom-Vilom (alt nostril breathing) to balance the masculine and feminine, the sun and the moon, the analytical and the creative. See where you are focusing your energy and how you can create balance by doing the opposite. For example, you spend 12 hours a day working, so spend more of your hours playing and being creative.

Healing circle | decorate a stick with beautifully coloured ribbon, bells, leaves ect. Invite friends and family to share the love fr what they are grateful for.


Fennel – Infuse into hot water to support digestions and reduces bloating. It also soothes emotions and brings comfort.

Hops – Gather and dry out by integrating them into your space as decoration. Hop aids in soothing headache, stress and cleanses the liver.

Marigold – The dried petals can be gathered and used to heal the body through infections by supporting the function of the lymphatic system. It also brings strength and comfort following a traumatic event.

Have fun and share the love, 





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