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Santé Yoga

An English girl on spiritual journey to open a yoga retreat in France

Be playful-Be creative-Be happy

Be playful-Be creative-Be happy

Don't be a slave to your life.

I admit to being a complete over thinker not so much in the sense of worrying but in a sense that I have to be doing something. Coming back from Peru has given me the usual holiday blues and because I have had a few days off I was struggling to keep myself busy whilst at the same time trying to enjoy having some time to relax. We are so trapped in a society where doing nothing is a sin. Or are we ? Do we use 'society' as an excuse for our human needs to be productive? We all know this life doesn't last forever and I think when we get that sinking feeling in our stomachs that's our little nudge to get out there. We start procrastinating to cancel out that feeling. I think maybe the world we live in today uses that feeling to make us work harder for them, to make us feel that our purpose is to give our time to working. If your job is purposeful and you feel you are doing right by yourself keep up the good work. If not don't feel guilty for having time to yourself, it doesn't mean you should use it lying in bed all day watching Jeremy Kyle ( as good as that may sound) be creative, do what excites you and helps you grow. Plan a trip, learn a language, dance, sing ect ect all these things may seem to be unproductive but they are the most important of all. They are what make us feel alive and special. They are what fills your heart with spirit that you can pass onto the next person.

Today I finally felt connected again I listened to my body and my soul and found what I needed. Today I did a sacral chakra opening meditation and yoga session, the sacral chakra ( Svadhisthana ) is located below your navel and is associated with the colour orange. It is linked to emotions, pleasure and creativity. When this is blocked you may feel down and unproductive, you may reject love or intimacy, you may put work before life, you may abuse your body. If you feel like this you should work on this area, imagine the colour orange, chant the mantra Vang, be around water, play, create, dance, sing anything that connects to your playful and creative soul. It's hard to give into this as we have all been told these things are for children but being mature isn't about not living it's about understanding the world and becoming wiser. Just because your older and pass solid, close minded opinions on politics, religion and society doesn't mean you are mature. It means your stuck in your ways and cannot see the bigger picture. Who is right in the end anyway ? If you can't listen to others point of views and respect it Why should anyone listen to yours? Being wise isn't how many degrees or qualifications you have, it's how you can assess the world around you and make actions which can positively benefit your life and others.

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